Saturday, December 20, 2008

Where was me . . . . .

It was such a long time since May that I wrote here. Between then and now, I had borrowed more than 40 books about entrepreneurship and decision making from MMU library. Did I scourge them all? Oh, no!

Well, I did scan all, but chose to read only a few of them.

I did not pay much attention to this blog since I was more active on my other blogs. The past few months were basically my trial at finding the dearest area for me to focus on blogging. I spent most of the time on political discussions, just to my dismay that things never change since decades ago.

Yes. I was involved actively in politics since the early eighties, both sides. My concern on people just could not break me away from giving attention to political issues. I read, I hear, I comment. But the response, more than 95% (I never really measure anyway ...... ) has always being defensive, or attacking. Almost never did I receive "on the issue" responses. Well, almost.

Politicians are but politicians. Probably, after nearly three decades, I may have to admit that I am not cut to be one of them.

Truth is nearer to me, not winning. Faith is closer to me, not position. The afterlife is dearer to me, not those mundanes.

Come 2009, would I be a different person?

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