Wednesday, May 07, 2008


Yesterday, I went to Multimedia University at Cyberjaya, and listened to a lecture on Research Methods. Very informative. Then I went to the univ's library, or Tun Hasmah Library they call it, and borrowed 7 books on entrepreneurship.

If anyone ask, why 7? Well, I wanted more if there were any more relevant titles with what I want to know.

Meanwhile, I am reading a book which I bought last week, "A Monk Who Sold His Ferrari", now midway. I should say I can tear off the first thirty pages without losing anything....

My friend Abedib, aka The Reader should be delighted with this development, I think.

Monday, May 05, 2008

A visit to the Land of the Prophets

It was my first time visit to Egypt. I'm not a seasoned traveler, but what I saw in Egypt amazed me and hope to go there again for more.

I was there for about two weeks in April and recorded my travel on my canon 20D. I had uploaded some of the pictures on my Flickr pages and linked it to this page. Happy viewing.

Slow starter

I am a slow starter to blogging. The postings here are proves.....

BTW, I am increasing the frequency of updating my blog. Hope so....

I have another blog which I started later than this one, but it is in Malay, and concerns more on the Malaysian politics.

The content of this blog would be left to what my mynd feels about life, not just politics, but beyond it as well. Politics is but only a portion of life that we must take care of.