Tuesday, May 08, 2007

My first topic, my concern....

To start the ball rolling, allow me to tap on a subject that has been lingering on my mind for ages – the way we bring up our children. Opps, I don’t mean our parenting, not this time. It concerns beyond parenting. The education.

I didn’t send my first child to school, for the first year of his ‘eligibility’ for schooling. In the second year, I sent him to school more out of concern that he may not have enough exposure to socialisation – not really for the education. Why?

This happened about twenty years ago. Now he has graduated as an electrical engineer, but never use the degree for his living. He is now a professional photographer,doing what he likes, and make people pay for it. What has happened to his education? Education? That is a long topic to discuss. Let’s just say his degree…… . Well, he didn’t even take the scroll from the university. Probably it would be safer to leave it there!

This is probably one of the many examples of the direction of our (I mean, in this article, Malaysian) education today. We are lost!

True! One may say that what we studied does not necessarily lead to our occupation. Agreed. No argument on that. Nevertheless that is not an excuse for us to stop pondering over the matter. I gave only one example. We may have more from the others. What we are interested in is ‘why’, and ‘how’.

So, what about our education system then? Our (country) leaders are claiming that our education system is one of the best (in the world?). Let that not stop our scrutinising of the topic. The best, does not necessarily mean the rightest, and the most effective for our society of human being. System, content and implementation are three different words that would give education different directions individually.

Let me stop here for a moment .... till my fingers itch again.

Monday, May 07, 2007

May I Start .....

Yes, I am admitting. It took me more than two and a half years to come back and activate this blog. Too busy? I doubt. Probably, more appropriate to admit that I am no blog writer.

What then made me itching to restart? Umm, I'm not bound to give excuses, right? So, just let me start. At least the congested Net is busier by one blogger.

I'm not promising anything. Not even a continuous write up. I am no blogger, remember? At least not yet! So, there is no wish list. May ideas flow.

To visitors, welcome to my blog.