Saturday, February 28, 2009

Panggilan pulang

hujan itu batu
ia negeriku
hujan itu bara
ia bumiku
hujan itu peluru
ia tanah airku

Tempat tumpah
daerah permainan
laut sumber
rezeki kaumku

Walau perlahan
walau sayu
walau lemah
walau sayup
panggilan pulang tetap
menyerap seluruh
anggota tubuhku

Shah Alam
Feb 28, 09.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Memori St Annes

memori menerjah
mengiringi sisipan ingatan
pada lipatan
sejarah silam
terkedek-kedek, terjingkit-jingkit
tetika berlari-lari anak
daging Preston
menyusur rerumah
dan bila
terkuak pintu
hadiah sebuah senyuman
sudah memadai tanda
terima kasih
oh St Annes

Feb 27, 09.
Shah Alam.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Berikut adalah perbincangan di FB mengenai topikyang saya janjikan: antara cinta, kasih, sayang dan suka:

Tajuk: Fauzi is asking for the meanings of 'cinta', 'kasih', 'sayang' dan 'suka'.

Eisya Celica and Nurjannaim Abd Kadir like this.

Zulhilmi Omar at 10:00am February 11
ayat mcm sedang mencari sesuatu jer...

Nurjannaim Abd Kadir at 10:08am February 11
sama jer mean die kot?? mayB

Hasnah Khalid at 11:32am February 11
"Seketika saya jatuh 'cinta' dengan peribadi nya yang halus dan penuh dengan 'kasih' 'sayang' sesama insan. 'Sayang' sekali peribadinya pendiam dan tak 'suka' banyak berbicara"

Does that fulfil ur definition requirements? :))

Sang Chinok at 12:09pm February 11
intensity of feelings, in ascending order: suka, sayang, kasih, cinta
longevity of feelings, in ascending order: cinta, kasih, sayang, suka
commitment scale in ascending order: suka, cinta, kasih, sayang

confusing enough?

Jannatun Hidayah Umar at 12:30pm February 11
bergantung kpd niat org yg menuturkan

April Lokupi at 3:51pm February 11
cinta, kasih dan sayang..erti sgt dlm skali..suka tu alaaa biasa2 ja..hehehe

Fauzi Shaffie at 4:07pm February 11
Hasnah: faham lagi ke Bahasa Melayu ni....dah lebih 30 thn merantau tu....he he, anyway, good try, thanks
Sang Chinok: Very interesting.
Others: Thanks for trying.
I'm looking for more .. . . .

Sang Chinok at 11:57pm February 11
lagi satu. in english cuma ada 2 je perkataan: love and like. and love covers 3 of our words. talk about dull! eg. i love you, i love you very much, i really, REALLY love you. see? its not romantic at all.

Hasnah Khalid at 12:29am February 12
Cant resist this... its not totally true! LOVE can be expressed as I love, adore, cherish, fancy, pined, long etc. Language and usage is pretty much down to the individual's capability to use/manipulate words in a creative way! Improve one's vocabulary n one will instantly notice the many different ways of expressing oneself in any language!!!

Sang Chinok at 12:34am February 12
yeah, but the lot doesn't really translate to the three words above. the meaning are different. what you have there are variations of 'suka'. so it seems to the english, suka has variable degrees of intensity but there is only love. One true love i guess. cheers!

Sang Chinok at 12:36am February 12
oh yeah, pined and long is like 'rindu' which is a different thing altogether.

Hasnah Khalid at 1:15am February 12
Jatuh cinta (Ishq in Arabic or ashiq in Malay) = fall in love, Cinta=love or hub in Arabic ; cherish and adore dont have equivalent in Malay ( any suggestions?) kasih and sayang are sort of middlebut not the same intensity and suka=like (also hub in Arabic) which is general n the same usage as the Malay language. Infatuate, fancy are other meanings of love but less meaningful or of deep intensity/seriousness. True pinning n longing r other variations of rindu but still more meaningful than the word rindu as pinning is deeper than longing in strength.

Hasnah Khalid at 1:30am February 12
BTW I m not defending the English language but trying to deliver a different paradigm to its many vocab/usage...!

Sang Chinok at 8:01am February 12
hehehehe... i just realized how a man's mills&booneryish moment is ruined by his friends heated discussion on finer points of feelings. hehehehe....

Sang Chinok at 8:02am February 12
tq hasnah. my arabic is rusty to the point it crumbles but yup i agree with your observation. Hasnah Khalid at 8:09am February 12
And thank you 2u2 Mr Sang Chinok....

Fauzi Shaffie at 9:04am February 12
Wow! Thanks Hasnah and Chinok. Good contributions. BTW, I was thinking along the line of what Chinok wrote earlier- the camparative depth in meanings for just one word "love", but need to be explained by other words, as Hasnah elucidated later. Hope to have a nice chance to compile this.
What if:
Suka tidak semestinya sayang. Sayang tidak semestinya kasih. Kasih tidak semestinya cinta.
Sayang juga tidak semestinya suka. Kasih selalunya akan sayang. Cinta selalunya akan berisi kasih.
Sejauh mana cinta itu suci? Sejauh mana cinta itu tidak bersyarat? Bermatakah cinta? Bolehkah memilih cinta? Bolehkah memilih sayang, kasih dan suka?
More? he he, nanti dulu.

Over to (all of) you!

Fauzi Shaffie at 9:25am February 12
One more thing; I used to say to some people having #@$@# about love: "Tu la, sapa suruh jatuh cinta, kan dah sakit..... sebab, semua jenis jatuh ni kan bawa sakit ..." he he

Sang Chinok at 10:09pm February 12
sehari suntuk pikir macam mana boleh sayang tapi tak suka... agaknya macam ni kot: Saya tak suka jam tangan ni, tapi sayang nak buang. kalau cenggitu, lain makna sayang tu, bang.....

Cinta tak boleh paksa, tak boleh rancang, tak boleh duga. Yang lain-lain perasaan tu, boleh.

Kita boleh kata "tahun ni aku nak sayang bini aku lebih sket." Kita juga boleh kata, "aku nak kurangkan perasaan kasihku kepada si dia." Kita juga boleh kata, "Aku rasa bulan ni aku nak cuba suka kat Katie Holmes pulak." Kita boleh kata sebab kita boleh kota.

Tapi pelik bunyinya kalau kita kata "Lima tahun lagi aku nak jatuh cinta ngan Salma Hayek la." Cinta sepatutnya berbalas. Kalau tak, syok sendiri namanya. Tapi kita boleh kata "Minggu depan aku nak buat Megan Fox jatuh cinta ngan aku." Kita boleh kata sebab kita boleh usaha. Tapi sebelum kata berkata begitu, sudah pastilah kita dah syok sendiri....

Sang Chinok at 10:09pm February 12
Cinta ini relatifnya sekejap dan sangat kuat. Kalau selama-lamanya cinta, boleh gila. Tapi, cintakan tanahair lain maknanya. Kita bincang pasal cinta berasaskan nafsu, kan

Sang Chinok at 10:16pm February 12
jatuh cinta tak sakit... yang sakit bila putus cinta.... bercinta ni sebenarnya macam tarik tali... dia jual mahal, kita pujuk; bila tak makan pujuk, kita pulak merajuk dan dia pula yang pujuk. Maka bertarik-tariklah kita. Tapi kalau putus.... bayangkan tali kapal melibas!

Fauzi Shaffie at 11:05pm February 12
jatuh cinta memang sakit: bila cinta tak berbalas, bila orang yg dicinta buat hal, belum putus lagi tu; bila lama tak jumpa, kira rindu la tu;

budak tu berpotensi, tp sayangnya dia nakal; memang tak suka la tu.

"cinta berasaskan nafsu": ni yang ramai dok nafi ni,.... katanya tidak, cinta ini suci,.....

Dalam bahasa Inggeris: kita kata "to love somebody", ertinya "love" is a verb. So a verb can be created, boleh paksa,....

"cinta ini sekejap": bagaimana dengan "everlasting love"?

Sang Chinok at 11:18pm February 12
memang ada istilah cinta paksa. tapi pikir-pikir balik, itu bukanlah cinta sebab cinta itu perasaan, bukan perbuatan sebenarnya. To love adalah 'mencintai'. mcm saya cakap (dan hasnah dah marah pun!), BI ni agak dull. love juga bukan semata-mata verb. kalau tak, macam mana kita nak explain 'fall in love'?

cinta dalam BM melibatkan perasaan dan perasaan tak boleh paksa. Kita boleh buat-buat tapi tak boleh buat.

hehehe... sakit sebelum putus, sakit thrill. sakit lepas putus, sakit ill... :D

Sang Chinok at 11:19pm February 12
ko buat aku tersenyum sorang-sorang la malam-malam nih. bini aku pun ingat aku dah ting-tong! :D

Fauzi Shaffie at 11:27pm February 12
he he. Hasnah kena senyum jugak tu!

Fauzi Shaffie at 11:46pm February 12
"fall" is a verb, rite? to fall, to love.....

Fauzi Shaffie at 11:51pm February 12
bolehkah diukur: kalau cinta, lukanya paling parah; bila suka, lukanya sekadar kulit ari? Kasih, Sayang pulak, sedalam mana pulak lukanya?

Sang Chinok at 7:38am February 13
kalau sayang terluka, ralatnya di bawa mati....

Hasnah Khalid at 10:04am February 14
Love can be used both as a verb n noun....depending on the sentences eg I love mangoes, I fell in love with etc etc. Love is different - relative to different people with different experiences.. I wonder if there is a difference in the intensity of love (taraf cinta) with either gender? Orang tua selalu cakap - bila cinta... makan tak kenyang, mandi tak basah, tidur tak lena, apply to both gender??? Does this last longer for the man or woman?????
Love n lust r intertwined ... do u mean that if cinta sejati, pasangan itu tak mahu ada anak???? (;) Kalau tak kenal, tak cinta ... jadi mesti ada some characteristics in that person that makes u fall for him/her whether it be physical or otherwise...! Dont think that love is entirely blind.... :)

Sang Chinok at 10:35am February 14
love is not blind. it just have tunnel vision! :D

Fauzi Shaffie at 10:36am February 14
"I love mangoes"="Saya suka mangga", never in Malay they would say "Saya cinta mangga", unless metaphorically . So, does this means "love" in English is less specific, and thus less 'mulia'/'suci'/etc compared to "cinta " in Malay?

Sang Chinok at 10:45am February 14
hehehe... fauzi; -sda- (see da above)... pastu cari perlindungan...

Fauzi Shaffie at 10:48am February 14
ha ha

Fauzi Shaffie at 10:53am February 14
Well. Looking thru cultures and histories of nations/race, there are great indications of different 'levels' of love intensities, which may be measured through people's action when faced with love-tangled situations. We read about Majnun Laila, cerita Arab; cerita filem Hindustan depicts similar intensity; probably lesser in Malays; much less in Europeans. If we observe how these people reacts in political situation/hegemonies, we may observe similar trend of emotional outburts.

Guano Chinok, Hasnah?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I'm no Dr Love, and have never celebrate valentines.

Nevertheless, come this 14 February, the world will be enliven by the celebration, for whatever reason, for whatever belief.

Probably, we need to have a peek into the meanings of this four letter word, which seems so sacred to some, intrigue to a big number of people, and yet so illusive to others. Well, I will just cut and paste from Wikipedia, since I'm not into the phylosophy of love:

1. a strong positive emotion of regard and affection; "his love for his work"; "children need a lot of love"
2. any object of warm affection or devotion; "the theater was her first love"; "he has a passion for cock fighting";
3. have a great affection or liking for; "I love French food"; "She loves her boss and works hard for him"
4. beloved: a beloved person; used as terms of endearment
get pleasure from; "I love cooking"
5. a deep feeling of sexual desire and attraction; "their love left them indifferent to their surroundings"; "she was his first love"
6. be enamored or in love with; "She loves her husband deeply"
7. a score of zero in tennis or squash; "it was 40 love"
8. sleep together: have sexual intercourse with; "This student sleeps with everyone in her dorm"; "Adam knew Eve"; "Were you ever intimate with this man?"
9. sexual love: sexual activities (often including sexual intercourse) between two people; "his lovemaking disgusted her"; "he hadn't had any love in months"; "he has a very complicated love life"

With all these 'definitions', where does the 'sacredness' come from?

If I have a chance, I will try to pen down the equivalent Malay words of Cinta, Sayang, Kasih dan Suka. For the moment, just this!